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Sabtu, 30 September 2017

Deary IV

The day that is supposed to relax does not, apply today. Even today I have to go to campus because there is one meeting subject. Fortunately, this time meeting we met a lecturer who is not boring. He likes to be funny in a class like a stand up comedy 😃👦. Age is not far adrift of our students. Approximately our age difference is only about 6 years. His mouth was not too crisp because fellow young people may be our taste is still in the same say. He's a guy and still single.

Jumat, 29 September 2017

Deary III

On Friday this lecturer who taught quite upset. How not, he explained the lesson up front and we are a severe college student who does not understand what he describes. When he asked us "did you understand?" We answered not yet understand. And he did not teach us to understand, but just told us to understand for ourselves. Of course it upset us, especially me 😤😫 .

Kamis, 28 September 2017

Deary II

Today I met a lecturer who I think is cool. Because when I give tau my local origin, he knows exactly where my origin is located even though still at the district level. Though he is Java, but he knows a small area in my home. Not only my home area that he knew, but the area of origin of my other classmates who are not so in knowing him too much know. Really cool this lecturer can know all regions in Indonesia. Maybe he's a traveling lover.