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Minggu, 08 Oktober 2017

Deary (part two) V

Today's plan is to move to a new rented house. And the plan night want to transport the goods to the new rented house. But what can make, when going to move the goods, the rain went down. It's been waiting a long time, whether the rain will stop, it turns out until late at night does not stop. So, warmindo became a target because of the cold weather so want to eat spicy.

Sabtu, 07 Oktober 2017

Deary (part two) IV

No activity, bored, that's what I feel today. Just doze one daily on the mattress and there is no out boarding except for when to buy a meal. Other friends there are meetings that join the organization and there is a selection of registered organizations, while I am not there at all the organization in the follow. Sorry to have nothing to do with the organization.

Jumat, 06 Oktober 2017

Deary (part two) III

Friday, I think today is a boring day. The day I did not do much activity. Only one meeting of the course and entry of the morning, it feels very awkward. I wish this day was closed and the course is replaced with another day. So it was even longer.